JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Homework Assignment Policies

1 Collaboration

You must work on homework assignments entirely on your own. You may only request help on homework assignments from the course instructor.

You may request help on general topics from other students and friends. However, when doing so you must never refer to the homework assignment, either directly or indirectly.

2 Materials

You may use your notes and any books/published materials while working on homework assignments.

You may not refer to solutions and/or answer guides of any kind (including: solutions to homework assignments or exams that were provided to students in other sections and/or semesters and/or universities; instructor's manuals; and/or lists of "worked problems").

3 Submission

Some homework assignments may be Canvas "quizzes". Obviously, they must be completed on Canvas. The details of each such assignment (e.g., whether it can be completed multiple times) will be included in its description.

Some homework assignments may require the submission of "paper-like" documents (e.g., reports, calculations, essays). All such documents must be submitted in PDF format using Canvas. Pages must be collated in a meaningful way (e.g., submitting a 3-page report as 3 individual PDF files, even in a .zip/.tar file, is not acceptable). Note: There are free tools for manipulating PDF files (including collating) that you can use.

Some homework assignments may require an electronic submission using a mechanism other than Canvas (e.g., publishing an HTML document on a particular HTTP server, submitting code using Autolab or Web-CAT, etc...). In such cases, the requirements will be detailed in the assignment.

You must not modify any kind of electronic submission in any way (including by resubmitting it) after the due date.

4 Due Dates/Times

Unless stated otherwise, homework assignments must be submitted on or before the due date and time. Homework assignments submitted after the due date/time will not be accepted.

5 Grading

Homework assignments will be graded. Effort may be taken into account on some questions, but you may not receive credit for questions that you do not answer correctly. Hence, you should approach the homework assignments as you approach exams.

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